Chemo Skin

We know all about chemo skin-do you? Patients know to expect nausea and possibly hair loss as chemotherapy side-effects but it seems that they are rarely told about the impact that chemotherapy and the side-effects of chemotherapy have on their skin and nails. Chemo skin doesn't happen to all going through treatment for cancer but it happens to enough for skin care for cancer patients to be an important part of overall care.
  • Chemo Skin happens to some patients as they undergo treatment for cancer
  • Chemo skin manifests itself as dry, sore, sensitive, itchy sometimes flaking skin

Chemo Skin

There are many changes that occur during chemotherapy and skin changes are the one that women talk to us about most often. Chemo skin occurs during treatment and manifests itself as dry, sore, sensitive and itchy skin. Other skin conditions such as ‘radiation recall’ rashes may occur long after chemotherapy has ended.