
Introduction to MetUpUk 

Changing the landscape of metastatic cancer through patient advocacy and direct action. MetUp was first created in America, as a social media group to bring awareness to metastatic breast cancer and has since expanded.

We now have MetUpUK, which was founded by a well-loved friend of ours, Jo Taylor, who believed that more awareness was needed around secondary/metastatic breast cancer in the UK. Original founder Beth Caldwell has since past away but, through the efforts of Metup and MetUpUK, her message and voice live on to support many around the world.

Metastatic and secondary breast cancer are incurable, and the median survival rate is only 2 to 3 years. MetUpUK strive to push and promote issues with secondary/metastatic breast cancer.

Their OBJECTIVES and STRATEGY focus on KEY areas that need to change.

At METUPUK there is a great focus on making positive changes for all those with metastatic breast cancer.

They campaign tirelessly to raise awareness of red flag signs and symptoms, access to drugs and treatments, access to clinical trials and pushing policy to change for the better.

They continue to grow in strength and numbers as more patients join MetUpUK group.

Discover MetUpUk’s latest campaign #IAmThe31, helping the voices of those living metastatic breast cancer to be heard and raising awareness of the disease. Watch their powerful stories here to find out more.

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