Now I Can Fasten My Daughter's Baby Grow Without Pain
Emma’s diagnosis came soon after she discovered that she was pregnant for the first time. Emma had a pain in her side, the GP suspected gallstones, a scan found tumours in her liver. Further investigation discovered that Emma’s cancer had spread from her bowel. Emma had a life expectancy of 6 months unless she started chemotherapy straight away, whilst she was pregnant. Erin, Emma’s daughter was delivered at 15 weeks and spent a month in a neonatal unit.
Emma’s chemotherapy drug worked well for her and soon her tumours were disappearing. There were side-effects to the treatment. Some of them were so severe that the medical team were considering changing the treatment that was saving her life. Emma mentioned the side-effects to Mummy’s Star, a charity set up to help women diagnosed whilst pregnant or within 12 months of giving birth. They asked the team at Beauty Despite Cancer for help. Jennifer, our skincare expert says
"When I spoke to Emma, she told me that her hands hurt so much that she was finding it difficult to fasten Erin’s baby grow. Her toenails and feet were also uncomfortable.
I sent Emma some Defiant Beauty Healing Hand Balm, Mild Mint Foot Balm and some Cleanse & Moisturise balm. A couple of weeks later Emma sent me these amazing pictures ”